B-Corp Month Round Up

We are so proud to be a B-Corp business, committed to doing business better. We’ve been welcomed with open arms into this fantastic community, and have collaborated with like-minded companies, to celebrate B-Corp month throughout March. All of these wonderful brands share our efforts in sustaining the environment and community, through their products and services. 

We believe that achieving B-Corp is just the start of our journey – we are dedicated to operating as sustainably and responsibly as possible, which is reflected in our 2024 Sustainability Statement. Our collaboration with various brands ensures that, as a collective, we are able to act with the environment and community at the centre of our business.


If you want to make your home more eco, Seep creates zero plastic, high quality, natural tools, whilst they strive to eliminate one billion plastic cleaning items from landfill by 2030. Seep offers products such as sponges, scourers, bamboo cloths and rubber gloves, which are all made with the environment in mind. Discover their story and products via their website.

Rio Nuevo

Rio Nuevo is an independent chocolate company based in Cornwall dedicated to sourcing and producing some of the finest chocolate available on the market, while also addressing the inequalities that exist within the chocolate industry. Check out their chocolate here. With close ties to rural cacao farming communities across Ecuador’s Amazon Rainforest and Cloud Forest, they’re committed to developing and promoting a model of chocolate-making that lifts cacao growers and their communities out of poverty.

Fine Bedding Company

With longevity as part of their history and product philosophy, woven in the finest luxury materials, their sustainably manufactured bedding is quality, made to last – wash after wash, whether they find home on your bed, or in the suites of some of the world’s best hotels. Past, present and future, their purpose is, and always has been, to create better bedding. Better for you; delivering a superior night’s sleep, and for our planet too; threading responsible innovation using of eco-friendly materials and manufacturing through each one of their collections. Learn more here.


If you’re looking to give your house a spring clean, why not choose sustainable products? Neat is on a mission to make sustainable choices simpler, by creating planet positive solutions that perform brilliantly. Their concentrate refills are made from biodegradable, plant-based ingredients, as well as eliminate unnecessary water and reduce packaging waste.