Earth Day: Plastic Detox

This year, the theme for Earth Day is reducing consumption of plastic, which just so happens to be one of our ten sustainability commitments for 2024. As a B-Corp, we believe in doing business better, so we’re currently working across the board to source plastic-free alternatives to everything possible, from pens to cleaning products, we’re committed to being single-use plastic-free!

Some guests have noticed a reduction in the toilet roll provided in utility packs. We’re committed to reducing waste where we can, and improving the quality of our resources by prioritising eco-friendly materials.

Furthermore, we’re committed to sharing our top tips to having a plastic-free holiday here in Cornwall. We are aligned with some wonderful Experience Partners who share our sustainability values and have teamed up with us to create exceptional holiday experiences, such as hiring wetsuit and surf equipment to be delivered directly to your Gem. Read on to discover more ways to reduce plastic on holiday…

  • Reusable Water Bottles and Coffee Cups: Bring a reusable water bottle with you and refill it from taps or water fountains, and bring a reusable coffee cup to any of our fabulous independent coffee shops.
  • Reusable Bags: Bring your own reusable bags for shopping. Avoid using single-use plastic bags by opting for cloth or canvas bags instead.

  • Plastic-Free Picnics: Pack your own snacks and meals in reusable containers instead of buying pre-packaged foods wrapped in plastic. You can also visit local markets for fresh produce that is often sold without packaging.
  • Choose Plastic-Free Accommodation: Look for eco-friendly accommodation options that prioritise sustainability and minimise plastic usage. Some accommodations may provide amenities such as shampoo and soap in refillable dispensers rather than single-use plastic bottles.

  • Eco-Friendly Transportation: Consider using public transportation, cycling, or walking to explore Cornwall instead of relying on cars or taxis, which contribute to pollution and plastic waste from fuel containers and disposable items.
  • Reusable Utensils: Bring your own reusable utensils, such as bamboo cutlery or a metal straw, to avoid using disposable plastic utensils when dining out.
  • Support Plastic-Free Businesses: Look for businesses that have made commitments to reducing plastic usage and support them during your holiday. This can include restaurants that use compostable or reusable containers and shops that offer plastic-free products.
  • Beach Clean-Ups: Participate in or organise beach clean-up activities during your stay in Cornwall. This not only helps keep the beaches clean but also raises awareness about the impact of plastic pollution on the environment.
  • Educate Yourself and Others: Take the opportunity to learn more about plastic pollution and its effects on the environment, and share this knowledge with others. Encourage friends and family to adopt plastic-free practices in their daily lives as well.

Join us in reducing plastic consumption through 2024!