Our B Corp Journey: The Spring Edition

Securing B Corp status earlier this year marked a significant milestone for us. The B Corp community is deeply committed to ethical business practices and sustainability. Since then, we’ve been actively involved in promoting these values beyond our organisation. Whether it’s making a positive impact in our local community, influencing our stakeholders, or simply infusing these principles into our day-to-day operations, our journey post-B Corp has been about making a meaningful difference. Explore the various ways we’ve been upholding our commitment to responsible business practices and contributing to a more conscientious and sustainable business landscape.

We have established our 2024 sustainability commitments

See what we achieved against the goals we set for 2023, here (we’re still so proud of smashing every target we set!)

Cornish Gems 10 Sustainability Commitments 2024

Collaborated with other like-minded businesses in our sector to discuss the impact of tourism in Cornwall

A fantastic event, co-hosted with Forever Cornwall and Cornish Cottage Holidays, where we brought together many incredible local businesses.

“It was so encouraging to have positive and thoughtful conversations about how to reduce the negative impacts of our industry and improve the positive outcomes. There’s a long way to go but we’ve made a start!”

Emma Fashokun, ESG Strategy Lead
Watch the full video here

Facilitated a staff well-being survey

Our team’s dynamics are significantly influencing the morale, health, and overall performance of our members. The insights gathered from surveys empower us to embrace a people-centric approach in shaping our operations for a more positive and thriving work environment.

Welcoming a new Gem to our Eco-Conscious collection

We’re committed to growing our Eco-Conscious collection by 25% this year, and we’re off to a great start. Polview’s eco-conscious features include on site renewable energy sources, low emission appliances and significant water saving measures, mitigating the impact of a hot tub.

The Cornish Gems sound

Collaborating with sound artist and Echo Point founder, Justin Wiggan, we’ve crafted a distinctive Cornish Gems sound designed to soothe the nervous system, offer well-being affirmations, and lead you through an immersive meditation. Incorporated into a stunning new bench, both Cornish Gems staff and visitors can now retreat from the daily hustle to recenter and bring tranquility to their minds.

I’m immensely proud of our collaboration with Justin Wiggan and super excited about using our new approach to wellbeing and mental health with my team Cornish Gems. Our Echo Point bench is arriving next week! Thanks to Eden Project and RNLI for the inspiration!

Nadia Macer-Wright, Founder of Cornish Gems

Nadia Macer-Wright with Justin Wiggan

Tap or scan the QR code to hear Cornish Gems’ unique soundscape

Collaborating with the B Corp community

To celebrate B Corp month and beyond, we’re collaborating with the amazing businesses doing things better for people, the planet and prosperity, to share the love and show you what incredible businesses you can support, giving you the power to put your money in the right places. Follow our social media channels and subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.

Yellownest salary exchange for childcare

To enable the working parents on our team to continue their career advancement and fulfilment, we’ve implemented the Yellownest salary exchange model.

“With our unique ‘salary exchange’ model, all parties stand to benefit. By sacrificing a portion of salary pre-tax, we have found a tax-efficient way to process up to 100% of childcare payments. Our payment platform is easy to use and allows parents, employers and nurseries access to their monthly savings.”


Since joining Cornish Gems, I’ve experienced empowerment on two fronts – as an employee and a parent. The incorporation of flexible work arrangements, such as flexi-hours and the option to work from home, right into my contract has allowed me to seamlessly juggle a full-time workload while ensuring I can be there for my son beyond his part-time nursery hours. This flexibility has proven indispensable in crafting the life I desire, relishing my work, and safeguarding precious family moments. Discovering a company that values empathy, compassion, and practicality at its core, willing to adapt to your life’s rhythm and aid in achieving balance, is truly a rare find. I consider myself fortunate to be part of such a workplace, yet it’s a fortune that should be commonplace in our society!

Flo Blewett, Digital Marketing Specialist at Cornish Gems

Flo and her son on Gwithian Beach

Investing in renewable energy with Ripple

We have made a strategic long-term investment in the solar park just over the border to Devon. Ripple, with its commendable mission, strives to democratise the ownership of clean energy by making it not only affordable but also readily accessible to everyone. Our investment in renewable energy stands as a testament to our commitment to supporting initiatives that not only align with our values but also contribute to a more sustainable future for all. As we continue to invest in such projects, our aim is to play a role in fostering widespread access to clean energy solutions and promoting a more environmentally conscious and inclusive energy landscape.

Supported Family Foraging Kitchen

We donated £300 via our Charity of the Year, Love Where You Are – a Cornwall Council initiative to raise funds for climate friendly projects across Cornwall – supporting biodiversity and community wellness.

“A brilliant UK break for solo travellers, couples or small groups: take a wild food walk, in Cornwall with the family foraging kitchen”.

Lorna Parkes, The Guardian

The Family Foraging Kitchen is dedicated to tackling food insecurity by providing quality and affordable wild food education. As a Community Interest Company (CIC), a percentage of the profit made from their ticketed foraging walks allows them to provide the same educational opportunities to those experiencing financial hardship for free. They believe that all people should have access to foraging knowledge and wild food education, giving the confidence to access nutritious, sustainable, local, fresh food.