We were so proud to start off 2024 by receiving our B Corp accreditation, joining one of only 10 other travel companies in the UK to receive the certification.

To celebrate becoming part of the B Corp community – and to kick off B Corp month – we’re so excited to be teaming up with our local, like-minded friends at St Eval Candles, Made for Life Organics Skincare and WiseSage Mobile Spa to offer you the chance to win a fantastic well-being bundle like no other.

The prize includes:

✨ A £250 Holiday Voucher from Cornish Gems
✨ An “Escape to Cornwall” candle gift set from St Eval Candles (B Corp)
✨ A “Catch The Breath” Skincare gift set from Made For Life Organics (B Corp)
✨ A voucher for a 60 Minute Home Massage + Mini Facial from WiseSage (who use Made for Life products in their treatments) when you take your Cornish Gems holiday

Read on to learn more about our well-being prize bundle…

£250 voucher for your next getaway with Cornish Gems (B Corp)
Proudly independent, we curate memorable holiday experiences in Cornwall, with the wellbeing of our communities and planet at our hearts. As you check in, rest assured that many of our Gems are designed to embrace environmental benefits, such as renewable energy sources, feature electric car chargers, showcase native plants, and incorporate sustainably sourced interiors and construction. As we journey forward, sustainability and well- being emerge as our guiding principles, ensuring that Cornish Gems evolves as a sanctuary committed to providing exceptional experiences for years to come.

Escape to Cornwall Gift Box

“Escape to Cornwall” Gift Set from St Eval (B Corp)
The Escape to Cornwall Gift Box is home to three unique St. Eval fragrances to help bring the delicate scents of Cornwall into your home. From the fresh, floral scent of Bluebell Wood, and the relaxing aroma of Wild Gorse reminiscent of Cornish hedgerows to the sweet, soft scent of coastal-inspired Sea Mist.

Creating an environment that enriches people’s lives and treading softly on the earth is the St. Eval vision which began over 28 years ago; these values remain at the very heart of their inspiration for creating beautiful candles and home fragrances. B Corp certified and based in our North Cornwall, they place people and the planet at the heart of their business.

Catch The Breath Collection

“Catch The Breath” Gift Set from Made For Life Organics (B Corp)
The ultimate gift of love and compassion, Made For Life’s Catch the Breath Collection for someone special is perfect for those with sensitive skin or perhaps going through cancer treatment. Crafted with 100% organic ingredients, this thoughtful present will nourish the head & hair, soothe skin, moisturise lips, reduce scarring, and rejuvenate the face.
Made for Life Organics has an ethos of healthy and wholesome living, from the labels on the recycled glass bottles and jars to the product miles of the ingredients. It is about making choices that contribute to our own wellbeing and that of the world we live.

WiseSage Treatment Voucher
When you spend your voucher, you’ll receive a voucher for a 60 Minute Home Massage + Mini Facial with our friends at WiseSage to use on your Cornish Gems booking. WiseSage mobile spa therapists will arrive directly at your Gem to deliver a unique, sustainably-minded wellbeing treatment from the comfort of your holiday home, using Made for Life Organics products. All you’ll need to do is head to your guest account, “Enhance My Holiday”, “Indulgences And Experiences” and click through to WiseSage to spend your voucher and book in your appointment.
Wise Sage was founded on the belief that wellbeing starts with the practitioner. Each and every one of their practitioners is paid 70% of the treatment fee, and our practitioner’s wellbeing is respected. They use Cornwall’s own, Made-For-Life Organic Skincare (B Corp) products that are 100% organic and ethically sourced.

Thank you for entering our competition.

Terms and conditions apply.

Competition is running from 1st-31st March and winner will be announced and contacted on 2nd April 2024.