Our Sustainability Statement

Mission Statement:

‘We continuously strive for excellence, through being a responsible and ethical  independent market leader with a trusted reputation, whilst supporting our local community and circular economy.’

Our Ethos:

As an independently owned local company Cornish Gems recognises the importance of meaningful environmental responsibility and we are committed as a business to operate as sustainably and responsibly as we can. 

We were thrilled to receive our B Corp accreditation, scoring 97 points in our assessment. We were commended for our commitment to protect the Cornish area and landscape, working with the local community as well as the attention given to the health and well being of our staff and guests.

For more details please visit:


Our Impact:

At Cornish Gems we are mindful that the tourism industry within which we operate has an impact on our planet and community. 

We are undergoing multiple data collection projects across all aspects of the business to better understand our impact and how we can improve it. In line with the integrity that we are known for we intend to be fully transparent throughout our sustainability journey.

We pledge to continually review our business and operations and work towards reducing our impact on Cornwall and the planet in every way that we can.

Our Community:

As a passionately local and independent company, Cornish Gems is embedded within the communities of Cornwall.

As such we endeavour to support charities and Trusts that provide vital services to the people and landscapes of our community.

We strive to provide quality, secure jobs for our Cornish Gems team with progression pathways.

We commit to minimising our impact on the affordable housing sector and 'hotspot' locations.

We contribute to Cornwalls’ circular economy by championing local producers, makers and businesses. 

We are a part of Cornwalls’ vibrant and unique community and we appreciate and value that.


Our Commitments 2023:

  1. We commit to spending at least 50% of our non-utility supplier expenses with Cornish producers, services and suppliers.
  2. We commit to reducing emissions related to Scopes 1 and 2.
  3. We commit to reducing the waste that we send to landfill.
  4. We commit to paying all employees the real Living Wage.
  5. We commit to employing 80% of our staff from the local area.
  6. We commit to supporting climate and nature friendly projects in Cornwall alongside Cornwall Council and Crowdfunder.
  7. We commit to supporting Cornwall Heritage Trust by purchasing memberships for our guests* and sharing their work with our supporters.
  8. We commit to diversifying our portfolio across Cornwall to reduce the negative impacts on 'hotspots' of over-tourism.
  9. We commit to not adding any residential properties with a market value of less than £350,000 to our portfolio - mindful of the impact on affordable housing for the local community.
  10. We commit to working towards being a regenerative business and a force for good for Cornwall.

*For guests that select Cornwall Heritage Trust Membership as their Welcome Gift.

Better Business Act: 

Cornish Gems supports the Better Business Act calling for legislation to put people and planet accountability for businesses on an equal footing with profit.

Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism:

We are proud to be signatories of the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism. Having operated in Cornwall for 16 years, we have evolved from being a business that focuses on luxury accommodation to one that is purpose driven. This means that we are embedded in the community and focused on a triple bottom line approach to business and that we are intent on protecting Cornwall and our planet, whilst continuing to provide award-winning holidays to our guests and exemplary management services to our owners. 

The Glasgow Declaration


Carbon Footprint:

We have measured our corporate carbon footprint including Scopes 1, 2 and operational 3. The total Scope 2+ footprint is 77.12 tCO2e with the largest contributor being business travel i.e. our fleet of vans. Our scope 2+ intensity is 0.019 (kgCO2e/£). We intend to use this knowledge to strategise and implement policies to reduce the carbon footprint as well as minimising and mitigating our emissions, water use and waste with a reduction target of 5%.

Carbon Reduction Report


Digital Carbon Footprint:

We are collecting data and rolling out strategies with the aim of reducing our digital carbon footprint. These include email and data storage policies as well as reducing the size of our emails by minimising the signature images.

We are assessing the impact of our website and working towards a reduction of carbon emissions.

Single-Use Plastic:

We have campaigned for an end to cheap polystyrene bodyboards in Cornwall, removed plastic toiletry bottles from our properties and produced a Coastal Activity Book for our kids packs that raises awareness about single use plastics and coastal responsibility. 

We only re-use received packaging for our Gems Shop and don’t purchase any.

Tree Planting:

Through our various tree planting initiatives with a non-profit organisation, Tree Nation, including staff rewards, owner gifts and as a welcome gift option for our guests we have now planted more than 1200 trees in 26 countries around the world. We can equate this to neutralising approximately 6300 car journeys from across the UK into Cornwall. Our goal was to plant 750 trees by the end of 2022 so we are thrilled to exceed this!

Responsible Guest Tips:

We ask our guests to be environmentally mindful during their holiday. Please consider: walking or using public transport, saying no to single-use plastics, remembering to turn off lights, appliances and taps when not in use, buy local produce and products and finally please #leaveonlyyourfootprints

Reducing Waste:

We have been working towards reducing the amount of holiday generated waste that is destined for landfill. To that end, we now have nearly 40% of our properties working with a local contractor, CTC that sends zero waste to landfill.

Our Properties:

We are proud to launch our ‘Eco-Conscious Collection’ showcasing our properties endeavouring to reduce their carbon footprint, reduce waste and be as sustainable as possible. Please ask for a detailed breakdown of the sustainable qualities and facilities that any of our Eco-Conscious Gems possess.

Our Welcome Gift:

We have addressed food waste issues associated with Welcome Gifts by offering guests choices.

We are working with Cornish Food Box to enable guests to choose the items in their welcome gift. This reduces waste associated with unwanted products in Welcome Gifts and crucially supports local businesses, suppliers, producers and Cornish jobs.

Guests can select to plant trees or support Cornwall Heritage Trust as their welcome gift.

Charitable Support:

Since starting in 2018 Cornish Gems’ ‘Charity of the Year’ initiative has raised over £17,500 for worthy causes including the Cornwall Wildlife Trust, Cornwall Air Ambulance, the RNLI and Surfers Against Sewage. We were thrilled to raise a total of £5345 in 2022 for Young Minds: their mission is to make sure that all young people get the best possible mental health support.

This year we are supporting and raising awareness and money for the 'Love Where You Are' initiative offering financial support to climate and nature friendly projects across Cornwall.


Circular & Local Economy:

Our welcome gifts, bookable extra treats and Gems Shop promote locally, sustainably produced products. We promote products such as the Circular & Co cup created from used coffee cups and fully recyclable at the end of its life

As well as reducing food miles and emissions, the policy of buying locally in Cornwall is an investment in the community. This assists in job creation and giving small businesses the support to flourish.

In fact, 53% of our significant supplier procurement expenditure occurs within Cornwall, including 25% to Cornish Food Box which directly supports local growers and producers.


Equality & Diversity:

Cornish Gems is a company committed to positive change. Together we continue to build an inclusive culture for our team, our suppliers, our owners and our guests.

We encourage and celebrate diverse voices and believe our entrepreneurial spirit is fueled by this.


We provide accessibility information on each property page, if you need further details please contact our Travel Advisors.

Access Cornwall

Reducing Vehicle Emissions:

We operate a cycle to work scheme assisting employees with a bike purchase. We organise travel routes to eliminate unnecessary journeys and prioritise train travel for business travel.

Working with our owners we are proud to announce we now have electric car chargers at more than 10% of our properties.

Our Properties with Electric Vehicle Charge Points:

Find all of our properties with electric vehicle charge points here click to view